Personal website for a professional racing driver

In a nutshell

On his website, the top athlete presents his new side. With an individually developed web design, Schwarz+Matt has transformed the theme of speed into the digital world.

About Christian Mamerow

Christian Mamerow is a successful racing driver for Porsche and Audi and now one of the first personal performance coaches.

Christian Mamerow wants to change the fact that even top athletes in Formula 1 usually don’t have their own coach. That’s why he offers performance training on race tracks to sporty privateers and dedicated racers.

Design with speed

In the Mamerow logo, the motif of the double lane stripes appears in the pit lane and dynamically adds them to the upstroke of the M. It’s actually a pity that the typography chosen is called “Raleway” and not “Raceway”.

With speed in the texts and the dynamic movements of the design elements, every pixel refers to the theme of speed. For this purpose, our designers composed the color yellow: optimistic, active, radiant, explosive and modern. And contrast with the black and white photos that illustrate his coaching. The name Christian Mamerow now also digitally stands for track and personal performance.

Whatever the speed with which the website performs and generates orders – this is not witchcraft, but well thought-out personal branding.

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