Social media

As a social media agency, we support our clients in the holistic management of their channels. From developing a social media strategy to content production, advertising and social selling, we’ll take your brand communication to the next level.

Lensing Media


A holistic approach to social media

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Frequently asked questions

If you want to actively draw attention to yourself with your brand, you have to be convincing. Arouse emotions. Generate attention. Create something that stands out while reducing the distance to consumers. And the best place to do this (both geographically and interactively) is where your target group prefers to be: on social networks! We help build a loyal, interactive community and pave the way to a strong brand.

Advertising measures on social media, so-called social ads, can be placed with a high degree of target group accuracy. For a small budget, you already get a high reach and improve your customer loyalty. Due to specific targeting options, we are able to reach your target group more efficiently, i.e. with less wastage, than with classic advertising measures. With individual budgets and diverse formats, social media is ideally suited for various marketing measures.

The most relevant social media channels include platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc. However, it is not possible to make a general assessment of which social media channel should be used. Tailored to the individual company goals and the relevant target groups, we analyze which channels are strategically best suited to your digital brand communication.

The process of working with Schwarz+Matt depends largely on the scope of your needs and your goals. As a rule, the collaboration begins with a two- to three-week onboarding phase, during which the status quo is analyzed, ideas are conceived in the form of a communications concept, and the social media strategy is developed. This is followed by ongoing support in the form of a monthly retainer, in which defined measures are implemented and continuously optimized. In regular reporting meetings, e.g. weekly or monthly, the results are presented, jointly evaluated and future measures derived. We recommend a term of at least three months.

The cost of working with Schwarz+Matt depends on various factors, such as the size of the company and the target groups, the number and selection of networks to be serviced, and the formulated corporate goals. Feel free to simply submit a no-obligation request for a free initial consultation, during which we will discuss your needs and wishes together. We then prepare an individual offer incl. Effort estimation.

As a social media agency in Dortmund, we offer holistic social media consulting and are your social media experts.

Challenges have no limit for us, which is why we create a social media strategy for each client that is perfectly aligned with their individual business goals. Whether it’s with Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn Ads or Pinterest Ads, we create an extraordinary advertising experience for your consumer. With social media advertising, we are tapping into a rapidly growing market that offers the opportunity to reach target groups without wastage. With innovative campaigns, we help you stand out from the competition.

Schwarz+Matt has made it its mission to transform our customers’ communications through digitization. This includes building a strong social media presence. Our staff are experts in the field of online marketing and will help you build, increase and maintain a high level of sustainable performance.
