Corporate designs that stand out

Whether a new development or a relaunch – we make companies to become industry champions. How? By thinking design digital-first. We translate the DNA of companies into a consistent, interactive and immediately usable Corporate Design – across all touchpoints.

Lensing Media


What we help you with

Logo design

The logo? Your fingerprint. We develop word and image brands that fit – like a glove. In doing so, we think dynamically and visionarily. Because a logo must also be able to adapt to new media and channels.


  • Conception and design of a word, image or word-picture mark

  • Logo modification

  • Redesign of existing logos

  • Naming/Claiming

  • Logo systems in the sense of brand architecture

  • Logo systems for product portfolios

We design trend-conscious brand looks that take brand values to the next level. However, we also retain the necessary freedom in the design process. This is the only way to react to trends and developments in a quick-witted manner. As a specialized corporate design agency, we always bring your CD up to date.


  • Design grid

  • Key visual concept

  • Typography

  • Color world

  • Image and form language

  • Illustration

  • Material concept

  • Other design elements

We deliver outstanding corporate design down to the last detail: whether business cards, packaging, stationery or merchandise – our interdisciplinary design team bundles competencies and ensures a consistent look. We think the daily application from the beginning. Because we want to make things not only more beautiful, but also more efficient. We revise existing products so that they correspond to the new corporate design – because this has an effect not only on the outside, but also on the inside.


  • Business cards

  • Stationery and envelopes

  • Quotation and invoice templates

  • Offer folders

  • Forms, Contracts & Word Templates

  • Greeting cards

  • Folders, notepads and notebooks

  • Pens

  • Stamp

  • Vehicle lettering

  • Work clothes

Even the best concept must be communicated consistently in order to be effective. We create guidelines on essential aspects of corporate design and corporate identity. Future applications are thus regulated – saving costs and time.

Your guidelines are available online for everyone at any time: In addition to classic brand manuals or style guides, we also make the guidelines available to our customers in a brand portal.


  • Digital Brand Portal

  • Corporate design manual in digital or printed form (part of the Brand Portal)

  • Review and extension of an existing manual

  • Templates and templates for office, software and layout programs (e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Indesign, Photoshop)

After the visual development of your brand and your means of communication, it’s not the end of the line for us: As a corporate design agency, we also support marketing departments on a long-term basis with our expertise and our operational clout.


  • Brand Coaching

  • Performance Marketing

  • Social Media Management

  • Creatives & Copywriting

  • Campaigns

  • Digital Brand Portal

  • Starter Kit

Schauenburg website

Schauenburg International

Corporate design relaunch for investor

Naue Corporate Design Relaunch Manual


Transformation through new corporate design

Trapp Real Estate Website


Digital branding transforms construction company into project developer

Tiantie Group Corporate Design Manual

Tiantie Group

International branding for Chinese market leader

Ready to grow with us?

Do you have questions about our services, our projects or need a quote?

We will get back to you today and provide you with a freefree and non-binding offer within 48 hours and clarify all your questions.

In detail

Here the shell becomes the core

You want your company to stand out from the competition? Want to outshine other brands’ products or services? This is exactly what an appealing corporate design can do. Because everyone knows that buying decisions are made on the basis of gut instinct. A consistent brand that can be experienced visually creates trust and ensures a good gut feeling.

Corporate designs that will still inspire tomorrow

Change. The motto of our time. In order to meet the ever-changing market requirements, we as a corporate design agency develop digitally strong corporate designs that are unique and remain so. We learn – but never out. We look left and right. What we are looking for? Solutions that make us even more agile in terms of new trends and requirements. But there is one thing that is never neglected: the DNA of a company. There is no tampering with it. With outstanding design, we lay the foundation on which image, trust and customer loyalty are built. Why we are so burning for it? Because as a corporate design agency, we know the responsibility that comes with pioneering brands. We want to do our part, take responsibility and rethink digital branding.

“We have long since recognized that a corporate design fit for the future is not a rigid system, but much more a medium for interacting with the respective target group. New solutions are required that ensure a contemporary and inspiring brand presence.”

Jennifer Hennig, Art Director


Multiple award-winning corporate designs

German Brand Award 🏆

Naue – Building on sustainable ground


German Brand Award 🏆

Trapp – tradition goes digital



How we work


Research and analysis

We do not guess into the blue. We want to get to know and understand the company, its plans and goals – over a cup of coffee (it doesn’t have to be black). Together we evaluate the positioning, competition and architecture of the corporate brand. We must first immerse ourselves in your corporate cultureso that we can swim our lanes safely. Next step: Your customized corporate design.


Conception and design

We give your brand personality an expressive face. So that you see your business as we see it, we create a concept that outlines colors, shapes, logo and typo. Your Go is our starting signal and we go into designing. No idea is lost: We record everything essential in our guidelines. So that you have a solid foundation on which to build excellent visualized brands.


Realization and communication

Thought locks are all well and good – we also want to bring outstanding concepts to the road. As digital natives, we support you in the rollout of your brand. Whether social media marketing, ad campaigns, website and more – individual goals require individual services. We give our all every day. Our unyielding sense of aesthetics and innovation allows nothing else.

Fancy getting to know us?

Let’s talk (coffee, coke, tea included)


Any questions?

The relaunch of a corporate design proceeds in five steps. In an initial workshop, we discuss the requirements and objectives for the corporate design relaunch. On this basis, we first design the logo or word mark as the most important element of the corporate design. Once the logo is approved, we design all other elements of the corporate design. We then record the components of the corporate design in a digital design manual. After that, nothing stands in the way of the launch of the new corporate design.

The cost of developing or relaunching a corporate design can vary greatly and depends primarily on the size of the company. Simple corporate designs, for example, start at €5,000 and larger corporate design projects can run well over €50,000.

We transfer to you the rights of use, unlimited in time and space, to all work results.

As a rule, most customers cannot do anything with the open data. However, these can also be purchased from us. This is then a so-called buyout.

The visual development of the brand and visual communication tools is not a one-off project. We therefore support marketing departments on a permanent basis with our expertise and operational clout.

A consistent and visually tangible brand presence creates trust and binds not only customers but all potential stakeholders to a corporate brand that creates identity. This makes corporate design an essential part of the holistic corporate strategy.

All elements that contribute to making the values of a company, i.e. the corporate identity, visually tangible are part of corporate design. A well-designed, aesthetically pleasing image gives companies a profile that stands out from the competition and ensures that other brands’ products or services are outshined.

You can reach us during the day by phone at 0231 1772830 or by mail at

Agency for outstanding corporate designs

As a corporate design agency and corporate design studio from Dortmund, our designers specialize in the development and design of logo, corporate design and branding. In order to meet the ever-changing market requirements of our fast-moving times, we develop digitally strong corporate designs that are unique and remain so. We never stop learning and are always on the lookout for new or better solutions to respond agilely to trends and new requirements.

However, the corporate design as a modular design system is only the basis for the development of the web design, screen design and UX/UI design. In addition, we support start-ups, medium-sized businesses, companies, brands and marketing departments but also in all tasks in the areas of graphic design, communication design, motion design and print design.

Schwarz+Matt has made it its mission to transform communication through digitization. Our team bundles expertise in the field of design and provides support in sustainably improving the visual brand presence and increasing brand value.

The focus of our work is on the implementation of integrative processes. We pursue the goal of working not only for, but with our customers. We want to be more than an external service provider – as part of our customers’ internal marketing department. This enables us to tap into new target group potential, intensify existing customer relationships and sustainably increase growth.