Marketing goes ahead: Sarah Bellini strengthens Schwarz+Matt

Sarah Bellini and André Schirmer now form our internal marketing team. We are delighted to welcome our new Marketing Manager to Schwarz+Matt and are now looking forward to opening up completely new opportunities.

She has been living the agency life for seven years and thus brings valuable skills and an extra portion of experience with her. She has looked after numerous Customers and developed and pushed various marketing concepts for a wide range of industries. She successfully completed her bachelor’s degree in multilingual communication, with a focus on business, at the TH Cologne and is trained as an event manager. Sarah will therefore also be able to support us in the planning and organization of internal company events.

Sarah realized early on that longer stays abroad were just her thing. An internship in London at an online marketing start-up was the inspiration for her career as a marketing manager. She particularly appreciates the creative and strategic tasks in her job. Team spirit and carefree cooperation in agency life are very important to her. You’ve come to the right place.

Here’s to a good time and many exciting projects with you, Sarah!

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