Brand strategy

Targeted positioning for your success

Love brands don’t just fall out of the sky. They are the product of a good brand strategy. We turn one-dimensional ideas into three-dimensional brands by thinking about internal as well as social factors, unique selling points, corporate goals and values. This is the only way to tell an unforgettable brand story that inspires.

Schwarz+Matt Markenagentur in Dortmund

Brand consulting

Through strategic analysis and close collaboration with experienced brand experts, we develop a unique brand experience that meets Customers’ expectations and serves the company’s goals.

Brand audit

The brand audit is a systematic process for evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your brand. In doing so, we analyze your position in the market, brand communication and the competitive environment in order to uncover optimization potential. With the knowledge gained, you can take targeted measures to strengthen your brand and make it successful in the long term.

Brand analysis

First things first: We want to understand the brand from the inside and the outside. Only then can a strategy be set up that effectively takes all aspects into account. From classic desk research to internal surveys and journey mapping – there are many research options, but the goal is only one: to use the full brand potential – ’cause we don’t care about mainstream.

Brand workshops

Without strategy, no brand. So: Let’s talk about your brand. Together, we evaluate the positioning, competition and architecture of the corporate brand in order to form values, purpose and tonality, among other things. Our goal: A unique and complex brand without competition.

Brand architecture

Based on our research, workshops and deeper analysis, we jointly determine how the various sub-brands or product lines within the brand portfolio relate to each other and to the overall brand. On this basis, we form a well thought-out multi-branding strategy that does equal justice to all your brands.


We develop the personification of your target group in order to make better assumptions about your customers.
Specific details such as name, photo, place of residence, CV, age, attitudes or hobbies help us and you to get a clear picture of the target group.
This is how we hit the mark with our brand communication.

Brand positioning

Based on research and workshop, we help brands into pole position and get to the heart of exactly what makes them unique. The goal? The clear differentiation from the competition – sustainable and consistent. For a brand image that is guaranteed to stay in your head.

Brand core

We work out the unique identity, values and personality of your brand to highlight the unique selling proposition – the secret ingredient to make your brand the Love Brand. The brand core is the heart of every brand story. We connect your brand authentically with your target group.

Employer brand

A company grows from the inside out: only with a satisfied, committed and, above all, happy team can growth be boosted sustainably. Based on your individual brand identity, we develop your employer brand that makes your company a top-of-mind employer – internally and externally.

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Discover the power of an effective brand strategy with our brand agency

In today’s business world, a well-thought-out brand strategy is your key to success. As a brand agency, we offer you comprehensive and customized solutions to make your brand stand out on the market and increase your sales. Trust our expertise and years of experience to make your brand distinctive and successful.

Professional brand strategy and targeted positioning for your success

As a brand agency, we help you take your brand to the next level. We analyze your existing brand and develop targeted strategies to position it optimally and anchor it in the minds of your target group. We take care to communicate your brand identity authentically and consistently to build trust with your Customers and foster long-term customer relationships.

Together for success: Individual solutions for a strong brand strategy

Rely on our brand agency for an effective brand strategy that will lead your business to success. With our team of Experts, we develop individual solutions for you that increase the value of your brand and set you apart from the competition. Let’s work together to make your brand a success and turn your business goals into reality.
