Climate neutral

Because we bear responsibility

As a digital branding and design agency, we are always thinking about tomorrow today. Our mission? Designing brands for tomorrow. That is why it is a matter of course for us to do something today to ensure that this future is worth it. The climate affects us all. The sooner we understand this, the better for our tomorrow.


Our partner in climate neutrality

Together with Climate Partner, we determined our “Corporate Carbon Footprint” for Schwarz+Matt for the past year. Because only if we know exactly where we stand can we derive the necessary measures to achieve our climate neutrality goals. The evaluation is based on the strict guidelines of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (GHG Protocol) and is an essential part of our overall climate strategy at Schwarz+Matt.

Every company causes CO2 emissions – no matter how sustainable and economical its actions are. In the form of offsetting these residual emissions, it is still possible to become climate-neutral.

Carbon footprint

Our 49,501 kg CO2 in detail

What we do

Clean drinking water helps people and the environment

We want to take responsibility and pay adequate compensation. With our climate protection project, we are therefore committed to clean drinking water in Manica, Sofala and Tete Mozambique. In addition to avoiding or reducing CO2 emissions, offsetting is an important step in holistic climate protection. But beyond that, our team will always take new measures or establish processes that help minimize our carbon footprint.

We have offset a total of 49,051 kg of CO2

The Drinking Water Project in Africa provides access to clean drinking water for approximately 102,000 additional inhabitants in the provinces of Tete, Sofala and Manica in central Mozambique – through the repair and installation of well systems. By providing clean water, the need for water treatment at household open fires becomes redundant. This, in turn, reduces carbon dioxide emissions generated by the combustion process (mostly of wood). It also prevents diseases caused by air pollution at open fireplaces, to which women and children in particular are often exposed. Together with local NGOs, the project identifies communities in need of new wells or repairs to wells and ensures the water quality of the extracted water.