Naming that makes you curious for more

In a nutshell

The name of a brand is the beginning – the very first impression – and for this very reason it is an essential part of the brand identity. The brand name can make a significant difference between success and failure. In creative collaboration, we develop a naming that arouses interest, gives an idea of your business model, can be applied internationally and, above all, is one thing: good.

Lensing Media


What we help you with


Branding is first and foremost about one thing: standing out. Therefore, it is also important when naming not to drift into the generic. How do we avoid this? By keeping Purpose, Brand Values and Target Audience directly in mind during the naming process. Once we have worked out the essential aspects of your brand identity, we embark on the (admittedly: sometimes tedious and time-consuming) search for conceptual images and words, many, many words. What we pay attention to? That a connection is made to the product, core performance and your brand promise.

Sometimes it’s just an alienated spelling or a foreign-language equivalent that turns a word into a brand name with a strong character. In doing so, we make sure to think about tomorrow today: we don’t think much of trends that are too artificial or short-lived, but instead focus on timelessness and simplicity.

A naming that is not only short and concise but also suggests a faint inkling of the core business or even the brand promise arouses curiosity. If the naming then also has what it takes to work internationally, then it hits the Schwarz.

Once we have agreed on a concrete name, things get exciting again at this point. We have the name checked for both identical and similar trademark applications in the relevant markets and industries in order to avoid potential conflicts with market participants. If the Go comes, you can register your trademark.

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In detail

Where words fail you, we provide the one.

Before we know anything about a specific brand, we sometimes form a picture of it based on the brand name alone. That is exactly why it is enormously important that this name is timeless and concise. At best, the name already conveys the values of the company and a rough idea of the business model. That sounds complicated? It kind of is. But once that hurdle is overcome, the rest is a breeze.

We like it short and crisp (also with the naming).

Based on our many years of branding expertise, we know the importance of unique naming. Here in particular, it is of enormous value to think unconventionally. We weigh in. We throw into the pot. We rattle down. We merge out. We sleep on it and together we create a name that can withstand the changes of our fast-moving times and that fits – like a glove.


How we work


Research and analysis

We do not guess into the blue. We want to get to know and understand the company, its plans and goals – over a cup of coffee (it doesn’t have to be black). Together we evaluate the positioning, competition and architecture of the corporate brand. We must first immerse ourselves in your corporate cultureso that we can swim our lanes safely. Next step: Your custom-fit naming.


Conception and design

We give your brand personality an expressive face. So that you see your business as we see it, we create a concept that outlines colors, shapes, logo and typo. Your Go is our starting signal and we go into designing. No idea is lost: We record everything essential in our guidelines. So that you have a solid foundation on which to build excellent visualized brands.


Realization and communication

Thought locks are all well and good – we also want to bring outstanding concepts to the road. As digital natives, we support you in the rollout of your brand. Whether social media marketing, ad campaigns, website and more – individual goals require individual services. We give our all every day. Our unyielding sense of aesthetics and innovation allows nothing else.


Any questions?

What is a brand name?

A brand name is a proper name of an organization, branded item, product, product range, service offering, or the like.

The brand name is the first point of contact with the brand and an essential part of the brand identity. A memorable, differentiating name contributes to branding success.

The first step is a search in the register of the responsible Patent and Trademark Office. Identical brand names can be registered in different Nice classes. Finding similar brand names is more difficult, but no less relevant for brand protection. We recommend that you seek legal advice.

Word marks can consist of all letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and special characters. Descriptive words of common usage (e.g. bread for a bread manufacturer), flags and coats of arms as well as terms contrary to public order or morality cannot be protected.

Your agency that gives your brand a name

As an agency for branding and digital design from Dortmund, our designers and brand strategists specialize in the development and design of outstanding brands. In order to meet the ever-changing market demands of our fast-paced times, we develop digitally powerful designs that are unique and stay that way. We never stop learning and are always on the lookout for new or better solutions to respond agilely to trends and new requirements.

Our brand strategy workshops serve as an essential foundation for our work, on which brand positioning, naming, claiming, brand architecture, brand values and everything else are built. Because brands only grow upwards successfully from the inside out. In addition, we support start-ups, medium-sized businesses, companies, brands and marketing departments but also in all tasks in the areas of corporate design, graphic design, communication design, motion design and print design.

Schwarz+Matt has made it its mission to transform communication through digitization. Our team bundles expertise in the field of design and provides support in sustainably improving the visual brand presence and increasing brand value.

The focus of our work is on the implementation of integrative processes. We pursue the goal of working not only for, but with our customers. We want to be more than an external service provider – as part of our customers’ internal marketing department. This enables us to tap into new target group potential, intensify existing customer relationships and sustainably increase growth.