reach the goals

As a digital agency, Schwarz+Matt accompanies start-ups, medium-sized companies and enterprises into the digital future. We conceptualize, design and develop custom websites that achieve business goals. Rely on our experience from hundreds of projects.

Webfabric Website

1,000+ realized projects for 300+ start-ups, companies and brands

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What we help you with

Either as a project or as permanent support for your marketing department.

We advise on the development or relaunch of your website. The multitude of options is often opaque. We help you to find the right way for you and lead your website project to success.

The basis for any new website is a comprehensive workshop. Together we define the goals for the new website, create user stories, sketch wireframes and agree on the technical setup for the new internet presence.

The user experience is one of the most important quality features of a future-proof website. We organize content, create user journeys and define the sitemap as the basis for the strategic direction of the website.

Based on the brand story and the brand manual, we adapt the corporate design for use in the digital space. The screen design ensures a consistent look for the brand.

We develop individual homepages based on the content management system (CMS) WordPress. The modular development of the website allows you to independently maintain and expand the website later.

We help to create the content (texts, photos, videos, illustrations, graphics, renderings) for the new website and maintain it in the content management system. So nothing stands in the way of the successful relaunch of your website.

The findability of the website in search engines is a decisive competitive advantage. We help to optimize single pages or extensive corporate websites for search engines and create SEO concepts for website relaunches.

A website is never completely finished. It should serve as a platform for your marketing activities. Therefore, we help to develop the website and always keep it up to date.

Hosting is a crucial factor for the speed and accessibility of the website. We help to find the right hoster or take over the hosting ourselves.

We are experts for WordPress

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. As an agency, we specialized early on in the development and relaunch of websites with WordPress. Profit from our many years of experience.

WordPress Logo

Up to 16.500€ promotion

Schwarz+Matt is accredited for the go-digital funding program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). With this, the new development or relaunch of your WordPress website can be funded with up to 16,500€. Take advantage of our experience from numerous successful grant applications.

Ready to grow with us?

Do you have questions about our services, our projects or need a quote?

We will get back to you today and provide you with a freefree and non-binding offer within 48 hours and clarify all your questions.


Visionaries wanted

We are looking for people with vision and a consulting spirit. Your qualifications: You are very good at what you do. You love success and believe in your strengths. You think outside the box and can implement visions digitally and analogically to generate customer growth. You don’t want to work in a classic agency, then you’ve come to the right place.


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Frequently asked questions

The size and complexity of a project affects how long it takes us to develop a website. We can usually implement simpler websites for startups and small businesses in as little as 4 to 12 weeks. Experience has shown that we can realize more extensive corporate websites and relaunches for medium-sized and larger companies within 3 to 6 months.

The cost of a website can vary greatly and depends mainly on the choice of content management system (CMS), the amount of content, the migration of content and the connection of external tools . Simple landing pages, for example, start at €5,000 and larger corporate websites can run well over €50,000.

The creation of the website proceeds in five steps. In an initial workshop, we discuss the requirements and objectives for the development or website relaunch. On this basis we develop the strategy for user guidance and web design. For a strong brand presence, this is based on your corporate design. Once the screen design is approved, we implement the new website in WordPress. And when all the contents are in place, they can be entered by you. After that, nothing stands in the way of launching the new website.

WordPress is the most widely used content management system (CMS) in the world. A large community is constantly developing WordPress and makes it future-proof. The numerous plugins and extensions allow high flexibility and cost efficiency. In addition, the creation and maintenance of content in WordPress is simple and not very time-consuming. For these reasons, we have specialized in WordPress as an agency.

We are happy to take over the support after the launch and keep the website and plugins always up to date. This guarantees not only the accessibility of your website, but also security and protection against external attacks.

Professional websites for more growth

As a website agency from Dortmund, we specialize in the development and relaunch of homepages with WordPress. Our experienced and professional developers are very familiar with the Content Management System (CMS), Elementor and its numerous plugins and extensions.

Challenges have no limit for us, that’s why we create a website for each client that perfectly matches their individual business goals. Whether landing page, one-pager or corporate website – we offer the perfect solutions for startups, medium-sized companies and large enterprises. With the relaunch of the homepage, we transform companies and establish successful digital strategies. Our services include workshops, UX/UI design, development, content migration, SEO, hosting, updates and support for small and large websites.

Schwarz+Matt has made it its mission to transform our customers’ communications through digitization. This also includes the development of a sustainable homepage. Our team is made up of online marketing experts who can help you take your marketing to the next level.