Social media design that creates reach

Whether static or motion graphics, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube – As a social media design agency, we create unique creatives, post designs and templates to ensure your brand performs consistently, scalably and uniquely across all channels.

Lensing Media


What we help you with

We develop strategies and design creative services for social media campaigns – across all channels.

Based on your corporate design and corporate identity, our design professionals transfer your brand’s unique language to the various social channels and record the concept for you in a social media corporate design manual. This will help you in the future to post independently but accurately within your CD.

Social Media Post Design

We create social post templates and visuals based on your corporate design with enough variation – according to your needs and taste, especially for social channels like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and more.

We create branded social media graphics and animations for carousel posts, reels, stories and more.

Vivawest Social Media Posts


Social media manual for a leading housing provider

TYPY Campaign


Digital opening campaign for the supermarket of the future

Dortmund at work Website

Dortmund city

Social media marketing for Dortmund at work

Ready to grow with us?

Do you have questions about our services, our projects or need a quote?

We will get back to you today and provide you with a freefree and non-binding offer within 48 hours and clarify all your questions.

In detail

Why a social media identity is indispensable

The challenge? In the ever-changing, trend-driven world of social media channels, fresh and visually appealing content is needed to stand out and inspire in the content crowd. The goal of good social media design ? People say who you are. While a bio covers this in a few concise sentences, design on the visual level, using colors, shapes and images, takes care of expressing your brand identity – that’s your social media corporate identity. Conversely, this means that graphics or images that are not within your brand guidelines should be avoided. When creating a social media design, our designers always question what story each graphic tells about the brand. Because we want to make sure that this narrative is consistent across all platforms and really picks people up.

Quality, consistency and a pinch of courage: The recipe for outstanding social media design

As a social media design agency, we help marketing and design teams create quick-witted, brand-appropriate social media content such as images, animations, GIFs, templates and graphics based on corporate identity – because that’s the only way to make impressions that stick. As a collaborative platform, Schwarz+Matt acts simply and straightforwardly on social media design requests and delivers excellent social media design for startups, midsize businesses and brands. Our dedicated team of creative experts also provides support in the management of Postings to ensure maximum attention with coherent feed designs.

“Design, colors and shapes appeal to human emotions. Only emotions generate reach and create sympathy. However, there is a great deal of competitive pressure on social media in terms of content. Only those who dare to stand out with their own content can sustainably increase interaction with users and thus also success.

Alina Wybierek, Senior Art Director


How we work


Research and analysis

We do not guess into the blue. We want to get to know and understand the company, its plans and goals – over a cup of coffee (it doesn’t have to be black). Together we evaluate the positioning, the competition and possibly even open up new target groups – which cannot be reached via the classic media . We first have to immerse ourselves in your corporate that we can swim our lanes safely. Next step: Your custom-fit social media design.


Conception and design

We give your brand personality an expressive face. To help you see your business as we see it, we create a social media design concept that outlines colors, shapes, logo and typo for a wide variety of applications. Your Go is our starting signal and we go into designing. No idea gets lost: We capture all the essentials in our social media guidelines and a variation of usable templates. So that you have a solid foundation on which to build excellent visualized brands.


Realization and communication

Thought locks are all well and good – we also want to bring outstanding concepts to the road. As digital natives, we help you roll out your brand across all social channels. Whether social media design, ad campaigns, strategy or content planning – individual goals require individual services. We give our all every day. Our unyielding sense of aesthetics and innovation allows nothing else.


Any questions?

Why do I need social media design?

Especially in social media, inconsistency in communication and design can negatively impact the public’s perception of a brand. Our design professionals refer to the visual identity of a company as corporate identity, or CI for short. Transferred to social networks, this is then called “social media corporate identity”. This should appear consistent and inspire confidence in your target audience. So that your brand also performs outstandingly on all social channels and inspires people.

Images and graphics on social media represent your brand, so you should be mindful of how you present yourself through graphics, images, colors and shapes. When designing, you should consider the brand style, colors, context, and guidelines required for the channel for optimal display.

Graphics are visual communication tools that can build brand awareness and drive engagement and more followers. Visually strong posts on social media have been shown to receive higher engagement. Powerful social media graphics also engage followers with your brand and encourage them to interact and convert.

Moving design grabs the audience’s attention far more than a static graphic. Social media is saturated with tons of content that often distracts users from social ads or organic posts. With motion graphics, you can increase your social media engagement and reach more people by incorporating these attention-grabbing elements into your social posts. Moving graphics make sure to stop mindless scrolling.

Your social media design agency - available at any time

As a social media design agency from Dortmund, our designers specialize in the development and creation of social media design and branding. In order to meet the ever-changing market demands of our fast-moving times, we develop digitally powerful social media corporate designs that are unique and remain so. We never stop learning and are always on the lookout for new or better solutions to respond agilely to trends and new requirements.

The social media corporate design as a modular design system ensures that your brand is represented consistently across all social channels. In addition, we support start-ups, medium-sized businesses, companies, brands and marketing departments but also with all tasks in the areas of graphic design, communication design, motion design and print design, SEO, online marketing, performance and web development.

Schwarz+Matt has made it its mission to transform communication through digitization. Our team combines expertise in design and technology and helps to sustainably improve the visual brand presence on social channels and increase brand value.

The focus of our work is on the implementation of integrative processes. We pursue the goal of working not only for our customers, but with them. We want to be more than an external service provider – as part of our customers’ internal marketing department. This enables us to tap into new target group potential, intensify existing customer relationships and sustainably increase growth. Benefit from our experience from 100+ social media design projects.