Website design that works like it looks: Very good.

As a website design agency, we conceptualize, design and develop responsive, conversion and search engine optimized websites that achieve goals.

Lensing Media


What we help you with


Whether development or relaunch: We translate brands into unique website designs – for scalable success. In what way we do that, you decide. Because the possibilities on the web are endless. Our interdisciplinary team helps you define your goals, create user stories, and find the right path for you.

  • Workshops & Trainings
  • Wireframing
  • Digital brand strategy and brand management
  • Project Management
  • Digital product development
  • Development of digital service processes
  • Development of a consistent information architecture
  • Change Management
  • Analysis of existing websites and systems

Usability – that’s what counts. We create outstanding operating experiences that leave you wanting more. How? By making sure that all interactive touchpoints work 1A – good and memorable design included. We organize content, create user journeys and define the sitemap as the basis for the strategic direction of the website.

  • User experience conception (UX)
  • Web Design / User Interface Design (UI)
  • Design Prototyping and Testing
  • Icon design
  • Motion Design
  • Digital signage

We develop individual homepages based on the content management system (CMS) WordPress. The modular development of the website allows you to independently maintain and expand it later. The screen design ensures a consistent look for the brand.

  • Screen design
  • Landing pages
  • Websites
  • Updates
  • Support

After website design and realization, it’s not the end of the line for us: We help you to create content(texts, photos, videos, illustrations, graphics, renderings) for the new website and to maintain it in the content management system (CMS).

  • Development of an own tonality
  • Technical search engine optimization (SEO)
  • OnPage and OffPage Content Strategy
  • Copywriting & Edition
  • Campaign development and support
  • Valid and structured source code
  • Development and implementation of multi-channel content marketing strategies
  • Review and reports with leading analysis software
  • Creative and audio-visual content
Naue website


Website relaunch for a world market leader

SYDE website


Website for a modern multiservice company

Schauenburg website

Schauenburg International

New website as an investment in the future

Ready to grow with us?

Do you have questions about our services, our projects or need a quote?

We will get back to you today and provide you with a freefree and non-binding offer within 48 hours and clarify all your questions.

In detail

Because the first impression counts

What’s the first thing you do when you want to figure something out? You Google it. And what does Google do? Suggest websites to you. Means that the website is usually the first touchpoint between company and prospect:in. And this first impression must be convincing so that the prospective customer becomes a customer.

Our demand on web design: simplicity. Clarity. Style.

As a web design agency we bundle expertise in brand and design and develop a maximum user-friendly digital application that works flawlessly while meeting our high standards of aesthetics and design. Because one thing is important to us: The brand identity must be reflected accurately in order to capture the hearts of the target group. Good looks alone are not enough.

“Contemporary brands today need to be thought of in a digital-first way. Digital applications such as websites, apps and the like offer a unique space to tell your brand’s story and make it experiential. “

Dennis Losch

Dennis Losch, Web Developer


How we work


Research and analysis

We do not guess into the blue. We want to get to know and understand the company, its plans and goals – over a cup of coffee (it doesn’t have to be black). Together we define the goals for the new website, create user stories, sketch wireframes and agree on the technical setup for the new internet presence. We must first immerse ourselves in your corporate cultureso that we can swim our lanes safely. Next step: Your custom website design.


Conception and design

We give your brand personality an expressive face in the digital space. Based on the brand story and the brand manual, we adapt the corporate design for the application. The screen design ensures a consistent look for the brand. Your Go is our starting signal and we go into designing.


Realization and communication

Thought locks are all well and good – we also want to bring outstanding concepts to the road. We develop individual homepages based on the content management system (CMS) WordPress. The modular development of the website allows you to maintain and expand the website independently later on – individual goals require individual services. We give our all every day. Our unyielding sense of aesthetics and innovation allows nothing else.

Fancy getting to know us?

Let’s talk (coffee, coke, tea included)

WordPress: Profit from our many years of expertise

WordPress icon

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. As an agency, we specialized early on in the development and relaunch of websites with WordPress. Why we find WordPress so convenient?

  • The basic software is available as open source
  • WordPress offers customizable design options
  • Plugins and extensions make even more possible
  • WordPress is regularly maintained and updated –  thus particularly secure

Benefit now from our many years of experience with the most popular CMS tool and make your web presence successful with us. 


Any questions?

The size and complexity of a project affects how long it takes us to develop a website. We can usually implement simpler websites for startups and small businesses in as little as 4 to 12 weeks. Experience has shown that we can realize more extensive corporate websites and relaunches for medium-sized and larger companies within 3 to 6 months.

The cost of a website can vary greatly and depends mainly on the choice of content management system (CMS), the amount of content, the migration of content and the connection of external tools . Simple landing pages, for example, start at €5,000 and larger corporate websites can run well over €50,000.

The creation of the website proceeds in five steps. In an initial workshop, we discuss the requirements and objectives for the development or website relaunch. On this basis we develop the strategy for user guidance and web design. For a strong brand presence, this is based on your corporate design. Once the screen design is approved, we implement the new website in WordPress. And when all the contents are in place, they can be entered by you. After that, nothing stands in the way of launching the new website.

WordPress is the most widely used content management system (CMS) in the world. A large community is constantly developing WordPress and makes it future-proof. The numerous plugins and extensions allow high flexibility and cost efficiency. In addition, the creation and maintenance of content in WordPress is simple and not very time-consuming. For these reasons, we have specialized in WordPress as an agency.

We are happy to take over the support after the launch and keep the website and plugins always up to date. This guarantees not only the accessibility of your website, but also security and protection against external attacks.

For the creation of your website we need at best as much information as possible. But most importantly, we need info and materials on all the content that will later go on your website. These are usually texts, images, logos, possibly also color styles and audio or video files. In order to be able to optimize your images, they should be available in a good quality and as high a resolution as possible.

Don’t worry! You don’t have to be a professional to maintain your website in the future. We will be happy to provide you with long-term support or instruction in the WordPress content management system (CMS) so that you can continue to be successful with your website in the future.

It is not always necessary to build your website from scratch, even a relaunch can suffice, provided the prerequisites are met. We help you to upgrade your homepage technically and optimize it visually.

Good search engine discoverability depends on many different factors. In addition to sustainable and meaningful content, suitable headlines and keywords play a decisive role here. Our experts support you in getting your website ranked optimally on Google.

Nowadays, it must be a matter of course that websites automatically adapt to the respective display sizes and resolutions of tablets, smartphones and desktop PCs and are responsive. We always think digital-first and support you as a web design agency to create the wow effect with your website across all media.

Responsive web design for more conversions - and more wow effect.

As a website design agency from Dortmund, we specialize in the development, design and relaunch of websites. Our experienced and professional team of web designers and web developers is well versed in the content management system (CMS) WordPress, Elementor and numerous plugins and extensions. Our drive? Faster. Larger. Getting better and shaping the brands of the future. That’s why no challenge is too big for us. We create website designs for our clients that are perfectly tailored to their individual business goals. Whether landing page, one-pager or corporate website – we offer the perfect solutions for startups, medium-sized companies and large enterprises. With the relaunch of the homepage, we transform companies and establish successful digital strategies. Our services include workshops, UX/UI design, development, content migration, SEO, updates and support for small and large websites. As a branding and digital design agency, we at Schwarz+Matt have made it our mission to transform our customers’ brand communication through digitalization. In most cases, this communication begins with the company’s own homepage. Our team brings together expertise in online marketing, SEO, web development, design and copywriting to help you take your brand to the next level and stand out from the competition.